Hello All, I have a SunPCi II (model #: X2131A) board with memory and Sun PCi II 2.2.1 software for 20.00. I can bring it to next week's meeting, if anyone is interested. From http://www.mmayer.net/sunpci/sunpcii.html: * Processor: Intel Celeron * Clock: 600 MHz * Memory: 64 MB (max. 512 MB) * Part Number: X2131A (#375-0131) * Software Version: 2.2.1 * Supported Machines: Sun Ultra and Blade Workstations (Ultra 5, 10, 30, 60, 80, or 450; Sun Blade 100, or 1000) * Supported Guest OSes: DOS and Windows 3.11, Windows 9x, Windows NT Workstation 4.0, Windows 2000 Professional * Solaris Versions: 2.6 and above I thought I would see if I could get Linux to run on it when I bought it, but between school and work I haven't had time... -Adam