Well, I've got the ETH1 and DHCP issues resolved (Thanks, Charles). Did not need to do anything with modules - had misinterpreted the install dialog and ifcfg-eth1 had BOOTPROTO=dhcp. eth1 should have been static with DHCP running from there. One unresolved issue - when I issue an IPChains command, the first time I get "IPchains incompatible with this kernel" and thereafter "IPChains protocol not available". The IPChains command is there, as for example "ipchains -h" works. But I haven't got masquerading or firewalling yet because of this. [Past history of this problem dialog unavailable as I'm on a dial-up laptop] Dick Richard Goodman dick@goodman1.net ---> Home: (508) 753-DICK trader@goodman1.net ---> Work: (508) 757-3452 voice/fax