On Sun, 06 Aug 2006 21:37:43 -0400, Andy Stewart wrote:
Hi gang,
I was helping Steve Daukas and Barb Waud clean out some of Doug's old computers today. You may recall that Doug was a WLUG member for many years (sadly, he passed away in March 2006).
I remember. That is unfortunate. :(
Barb has asked me to find a home for these items. Everything works, but some of it is rather "vintage" (sorry, preused, preowned!).
I prefer "broken in". :) (Much of my own hardware is like Doug's.)
Don't worry - if you don't get something now, there's more where this stuff came from(!). Doug was very avid when it came to his computer hobby.
This is an indication that he cared about his hobby. ;)
I will bring these items to the WLUG BBQ (coming up this Thursday) and to the next regular WLUG meeting (Thurs Sept 7th). If you want something, send me an email and I'll be happy to hold it for you. Please pick it up at one of these two meetings, or make other arrangements with me. First come, first served.
Here is the email address in case you wish to send a thank-you note to Barb Waud: barbara.waud@umassmed.edu
I shall.
3 pairs of memory dimms (untested) looks like 144 pin dimms not sure of the sizes 2 pairs are HP 1818-6126 (looks like 16 MB ECC each) 1 pair has 9 chips (each) with "SEC Korea KM44C16104AK-6"
=== end ===
According to http://www.xs4all.nl/~ganswijk/chipdir/f/dram.htm , that last pair seems to be 16x4 EDO DRAM.
Printers - --------
HP Deskjet 600C HP Deskjet 697C HP Deskjet 870Cse
I'm interested in the HP697C. If it's still available, I'd like to pick it up at the September 7th WLUG meeting. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- William Smith wsmith-at-chezsmith-dot-com Fall River, MA http://www.chezsmith.com Religion is a crutch, but that's okay... Humanity is cripple. * TAG! v3.2 *