Some corrections for the firefox->tbird portion of my instructions: Brett Russ wrote:
I also have a script called launch-tbird which can be used with the mozex plugin to allow mailto: URLs to launch a thunderbird compose window. Here's that one:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/opt/thunderbird/current
I also added the following line here: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME
if [ $(pidof thunderbird-bin | wc -w) -gt 4 ]; then # thunderbird is running url=`echo "$url" | sed -e's/^mailto://'` $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird -remote "mailto($url)" else # thunderbird is not running $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/thunderbird -P default -compose $url fi
Mozex is no longer needed, see below.
That's about it, I think the newer firefox tries to avoid the extra steps but I'll stick with what works for me.
I checked, since I didn't actually have what I described (mozex) installed on the latest version of Firefox. Here's the new info: Add the following line to your *firefox* user.js in your profile: user_pref("network.protocol-handler.external.mailto", "/path/to/launch-tbird"); I had to reinstall thunderbird and use user 'root' to run it for the first time in order to get everything set up properly. Then close it and run as normal user. worksforme now, BR