Aug. 23, 2001
9:12 p.m.
A> Tuesday came and went ... the next times I can come by are A> Friday (8/24) or Monday (8/27). If either of these days work, A> please send directions and possible times. Thanks, Andrew Sorry, it's been a bad week, we just let go a bunch of people and I'm doing account lock downs, etc. Anyway, tomorrow after around 6pm would be fine, or monday after 6pm. Simple directions from Natick... Rt 90 West to Rt 495 North to Rt 290 West to Exit 23B, Rt 140 North to Go about 1.5 miles, turn left onto Sewall Street. Third Right onto "Long Leaf" First Left onto Fox Tail Way Fourth driveway on left, #25. 508-579-6331 (cell).