Hey Gang,

I'll be unable to make it to the meeting tonight, however I still plan on doing a talk next month on "pygame".

What's "pygame" you ask?!?

"pygame" is a set of python libraries that wrap SDL written in C and assembler.  These libraries take the nitty gritty out of writing games with python, or as they put it "we take the pure out of game development".

I'm going to talk about the libraries in depth (with slides), show off a silly game I've written and then dive into the code of the game so you can see how absurdity easy it is to use.

Obviously my talk is going to be python centric, but no worries.  I'm using this as an excuse to teach myself python so it'll be educational to the python guru and the python neophyte alike.


I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".