On Monday 08 October 2001 02:40 pm, John Stoffel wrote:
Skip> I've tried it both ways. I was thinking of trying to build a Skip> Linux distro on my Zip drive so I could use the partition for my Skip> home directory. I can see the drive and fdisk it. When I try to Skip> do a mke2fs /dev/sdc4 the process hangs up when it tries to Skip> write out the accounting information.
I think this might be the kicker here. For 2.4.10 Linus merged in some changes to move stuff from the block cache to the page cache, unfortunately not everything was merged properl and there are problems.
I'd really suggest you try 2.4.10-acX or 2.4.11-preX where X is the highest number you can find. Then you should be all set.
Hi John, I'm still stumped. I have a "spare" partition into which I can install a standard distro, and I dropped back to a Mandrake 8.0 distro I downloaded a few months ago. The distro is based on the 2.4.3 kernel. After rebooting into Mandrake, I find I'm still unable to read or format the Zip drive. I also have a BSD 4.3 CD here as well, but I think it must be something obvious we are overlooking. The Mandrake passes the Zip drive off to ide-floppy and the CDRW off to ide-scsi. What's a body to do? --Skip