--bind has made it into the mount man page, but the tmpfs is not documented in the man pages anywhere I can think to look. Does anyone know of a reason that it should not be used? I'm thinking of using it for some locking files and pid stamps -- all stuff that should not persist across a reboot.
Tmpfs has some decent information in the kernel documentation. A lot of newer distros now mount /dev/shm as tmpfs, and it's basically a resizable ramdisk that will grow, shrink, or even swap out to disk as needed. I doubt that locking files are going to take up much space that you'd need back for memory, but on the other hand you probably don't need extra fast access to them either. ;-) Brian J. Conway bconway@wpi.edu "Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves." - Albert Einstein