"joel" == joel d via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> writes:
Work laptop and she wants access to files regardless of location (work, home, road).
Maybe a locked down WebDAV thing instead?
I tried Proton drive for 15 minutes this week. As a secure file storage drive, it works. Tested it with a PDF file and could not click on PDF to open file in any PDF viewer. I guess its secure, but not ready for wife. She would just start copying files elsewhere in C: to get things done, making any security foolishly pointless.
I don't see how she's going to make it work on her work laptop if they don't let her run any .exe files at all on there. Unless the web client allows you to drag and drop files on/off their setup.
Still considering wife support options.
I know how it it! :-) One reason why I have limited automation at home....
Thinking currently about a hybrid option.
Lots of these files in laptop C: drive folders, unsecured, fast and easy. Good for prior work at prior companies, most word, spreadsheet PowerPoint, pics, etc.
Then certain "precious" files on a fast USB thumb drive at home (resume, anything with taxes, income, ID or social).
It all depends on how anal her $WORK is and how effectively they've locked down things. From the sounds of it, you really need to be looking at a pure web based solution. Maybe even a remote desktop. It's not something I've had to do though... But I do have a $WORK latop which won't let me use thumb drives without using bitlocker on it, which makes it a pain to trasfer files to linux systems. And what I see is painful. But maybe a bitlocker thumb drive which holds a copy of important file. Or maybe she can do somrhing on her phone instead?