Hello All, I found this card on newegg.com for cheap money and the company claimed Linux support, so I got it. So far, I have it working on a WEP test network, but the driver package does come with WPA-supplicant bits. I assume that works as well. Folks online claim it works out of the box on Ubuntu 7.10, but my laptop didn't do well with the newer Xubuntus, so I had to make do. Note, out-of-the-box, the rt61 driver provided by Xubuntu 6.06 LTS throws a stack trace and can wedge your system. I found that you need to build the company's rt61 driver. Here was my procedure for 6.06 LTS: 1) Install gcc and friends,if you haven't already. 2) Update to the latest kernel packages. 3) Install the linux-header packages for your platform (I used the 386 packages). 4) Download the driver zip for the ew-7108pcg from the Edimax website's support area, unpack it, and the unpack the tar ball inside. 5) cd into the IS_Linux_STA_6x_D_1.1.1.0 directory 6) run make 7) Ignore all the compiler warnings ;) 9) run sudo make install 10) Add "alias ra0 rt61" to /etc/modules.conf or into your preferred location in /etc/modules.d if it wasn't automatically added. 11) Add correct bits to /etc/network/interfaces So, that being said (I am typing this email via the card now): 1) On boot, the card comes up, but does not go online. Ifconfig has configured the interface, but iwconfig shows no essid or key configured. 2) I opened the Applications->System->Networking tool. The tool shows the interface as active. I can "activate/deactivate", but likewise iwconfig shows no configuration. I can only bring the interface up via running "sudo ifup ra0". My wife's probably not going to go for that ;). Does anyone have any ideas about what plumbing I am missing to get automatic configuration? Thanks! -Adam