I have a working PC that can be sacrificed.  Currently has Suse on it but we're free to put anything on it we wish.


On 6/24/2015 12:04 AM, Doug Mildram wrote:
Announcing (with Tim's blessing/OK)
our next meeting is the WLUG summer BBQ at my house ;
540 linden st, boylston ma. <= 20min from worc via 290,
  .....so many other ways to get here from north/190 ; east/495, etc.
Thurs July 9 at or before 7pm.  Food details later.

BBQ's don't need a topic, but I would love to keep doing+learning a LITTLE with

 -- freeNAS : my own home server works enough to NOT wanna break it,
                          but smbd isnt working yet ( want to share with win doze)

 -- other ZFS-able boxes (e.g. my junker/re-loadable PC has pc-bsd with issues,
         want it to catch ZFS snapshots over ssh for backups ..how hard could that be?)

 -- chainsaws, musical instruments, tricks+treats for golden retrievers and a cat
          (just kidding for the meeting, but now you know way too much about me)

Maybe someone else wants to bring a tower/PC for abuse or argument
     e.g. loading something like the above top 2, then studying the result. Or not?

What did I forget besides food?  -doug also with wife's blessing, if I do all the work.

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