Hi all... I created a directory, on my RH 9.0 (2.4.20) Linux server, that I would like to share with other computers on our LAN. I have smb and nmb running and I can see the share from a MS windows 2000 box. When I try to map the drive and click on the remote folder name (\\linux-hostname\share-name), it asks me to log on to the Linux server (I'm using security = share in /etc/samba/smb.conf). When I enter my username/password pair, it tells me that they're invalid. I have identical usernames & passwords on both boxes and I'm not encrypting the usernames and passwords...yet. I'm using version samba-2.2.7a-8.9.0 for samba-common, samba-client and samba itself. What am I missing? Thanks, Chuck -- Using M2, Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/m2/