I am looking for a cheap solution for the following: 1) Email server/redireector. I want to have a full custom domain and email addre0ss. 2) FTP server on the same domain as the email server. 3) GUI setup preferred, I do not want to invest the time (right now) to get this working as a 'ground up' project. 4) Total bandwidth needs should be negligible. How would you approach this? At a very high level, I am considering: 1) Dedicating a DDR3 (RAM) era Intel I3 P.C. (sorry, I don not know the generation) and installing NAS software with the appropriate docker plugins, if they exist. I do not know if this is even reasonable. Suggestions are appreciated. I am using a home ISP account. I am aware of DynDNS type services to get around the lack of a static IP. I do not currently plan on using this device as an actual NAS due to security concerns. If necessary, I will use sneaker-net to transfer data, although I am thinking about ssh or even RS232. 2) Renting out space on a service like Amazon Web services. Maybe they have an image that is already what I want. Any ideas/thoughts/experiences would be appreciated. I hope to be at the meeting next Thursday.