On Monday 30 January 2006 09:30, Mike Leo wrote:
Am I wrong, or is the gentoo install insanely comlicated?
Although I did not sit in front of it from start to finish, it seems like an install takes hours and hours of work...
I followed the Handbook (some 80 pages of documentation), which i'm sure is very accurate and each step worked as advertised, but in the end it was too much.
well, the from-source Gentoo install is arguably supposed to be fun like that it's been a while since i installed Gentoo using released media, but i'm pretty sure doing an install with just GRP packages would make it a lot faster ...
After an install of debian, which takes me less than 20 minutes, this was too much for my poor little brain to take, and I eventually gave up.
doesnt debian have its own installer though ? the Gentoo one is coming along, but it hasnt had the time to mature as other distros have ... -mike