Prof. Micha Hofri has asked WLUG if anyone would like to volunteer to provide IT consulting for the Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester. Details below. You can contact Prof. Hofri at hofri@WPI.EDU if you are interested. Thanks, Chuck ----- Forwarded message from Micha Hofri <hofri@WPI.EDU> ----- From: Micha Hofri <hofri@WPI.EDU> Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester need help ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Colleagues, The letter below is from a daughter of friends, who has recently started at the Worcester public library... she describes it well. Do you know of a student, or a small group, who would be able and willing to help in the matter? I believe she expects pro bono consulting, rather than actual development, but realize I have not verified. Please let me know, or point the interested parties to Ellen Benz directly. Thank you, --Micha -------- Forwarded Message -------- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 15:32:09 +0000 From: Ellen Benz <Ebenz@lvgw.org> To: hofri@wpi.edu <hofri@WPI.EDU> Hi Professor Hofri, I hope this email finds you well. ..... I have started a new job as Executive Director of Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester – a non-profit organization which teaches English as a Second Language to immigrants and refugees here in Worcester. Worcester has been chosen as a resettlement community for refugees, and as such, is experiencing an influx of people from distressed lands, such as Sudan and Syria. In order to accommodate this growing need, and help LVGW thrive, we must update and modernize our entire IT structure. The first thing I learned when I started on Monday is that our server doesn’t work properly, we are unable to link our two sites, and our website is terribly lacking. We have an office manager who is proficient in maintaining our database (we are using Access) and helps troubleshoot issues when they arise, but she is not an IT specialist. We need someone who can look at what our needs are and suggest a plan of action and products. I was wondering if you might have the names of several WPI students who could help us out on a volunteer basis – we could even design an internship program for the right student. Please let me know if you can think of anyone with this skillset and interest to help further this worthy cause. If you do not have any names of students, who do you think I should contact at WPI to find someone? I’d greatly appreciate any assistance/advice that you can give me. Please either email me at the address above or you can call me at work at 508-754-8056 or at home at 508-363-1443. All the best, Ellen /Ellen Benz/ Executive Director Literacy Volunteers of Greater Worcester 3 Salem Street - Room 332 Worcester Public Library Worcester, MA 01608 508-754-8056 ebenz@lvgw.org <mailto:ebenz@lvgw.org> like us on FACEBOOK <http://www.facebook.com/pages/Literacy-Volunteers-of-Greater-Worcester/26354...> ----- End forwarded message -----