Our client in Chelmsford, MA has 2-3 contract openings for Sr Software Engineers with a strong background with C++ and low level Linux kernel and drivers experience. These are 6 month contracts. Must be able to interview and work on site as well as pass background check and drug test. Consultants will be responsible for Linux driver and kernel development and board bring up. Any experience with VxWorks is a plus Please feel free to forward this email to your friends and associates If interested, please send a copy of your resume to jspencer (at) connectedsp.com Your resume will not be sent anywhere without your prior approval. Regards, John Spencer Connected Systems Partners Connecting Top Talent with Top Companies Office: 978-455-5550 x208 Cell: 978-621-9743 jspencer@connectedsp.com www.connectedsp.com GET CONNECTED! Unless otherwise explicitly instructed by sender, all information in this email is considered confidential and intended for the view and use of the recipient(s) only.