From: Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com>
Quick question... What format is your novel currently in?
On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 7:15 PM, <dulsi@identicalsoftware.com> wrote:
Has anyone made an ebook under linux? Specifically I'm taking about epub and mobi formats for supporting ereaders. I stupidly decided to do NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month - 50,000 words in 30 days) and succeeded. I still have to clean up the novel but assuming I finish that I'd like to convert it to ebook format.
What ever happened to Ascii? Ascii is the AMERICAN Standard Code for Information Interchange. True patriots will accept no substitutes. If you need a lot of pictures you would need a way to embeded them. If you need the occasional bold or italic, a tiny subset of HTML suffices, and remains readable even as Ascii. Are E-books being sold that can't display Ascii? I don't have an E-book, and it's going to stay that if they don't display Ascii, at least. If you are speed writing, I would think you would stay away from "formats" and just send the octets from the keyboard to the disk and out. -- Keith PS: Not a total curmugeon, I will take Unicode.