Would it be possible to get a CD with some embedded linux stuff? Qtopia or Opie embedded X familiar's kernel boot-loader some apps This would be COOL Wes On Wednesday 18 September 2002 11:20 am, Keller, Tim wrote:
I thought this was supposed to be a one night install fest... I would figure we'd need a weekend for a gentoo install ;-)
j/k. I can definity do some gentoo CDs, I was thinking RH7.3 and possibly another distribution (like suse)
let me know! Tim.
-----Original Message----- From: Haines, Charles Allen [mailto:chaines@postoffice.academic.wpi.edu] Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 11:15 AM To: wlug@mail.wlug.org Subject: RE: [Wlug] REMINDER: Meeting Wed 18-sept-2002 7:00 PM
Gentoo, Gentoo, Gentoo, that's all I got to say.
BTW, Andy were you refering to me or another Chuck?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------
| Chuck Haines | AIM: CyberGrex | | GDC Systems Administrator | Yahoo: CyberGrex_27 | | Infinity Complex Developer | ICQ: 3707881 | | WPILA Lab Manager | Cell: (410) 610-6343 |
------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- "Geek by nature, Linux by choice."
-----Original Message----- From: Keller, Tim [mailto:Tim.Keller@stratus.com] Sent: Wednesday, September 18, 2002 9:04 AM To: 'wlug@mail.wlug.org' Subject: RE: [Wlug] REMINDER: Meeting Wed 18-sept-2002 7:00 PM
Let me know what you'd like for CD's for the install-fest and the quantity and I'll get them produced.
Also, I can get together a wlug-goodies cd with all the latest kernel/patches/etc.
-----Original Message----- From: Andy Stewart [mailto:andystewart@attbi.com] Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 20:22 PM To: Worcester Linux Users' Group Subject: [Wlug] REMINDER: Meeting Wed 18-sept-2002 7:00 PM
HI Everybody,
My apologies for not sending this out sooner, but our meeting for Wednesday evening is going to take place at 7:00 PM in Kinnicutt Hall on the WPI campus like usual.
We won't be having the install fest since I didn't get off my butt and make the arrangements (sorry!). I hope to do that tomorrow for a potential install fest in 1-2 weeks. I'll say more about that on Wed evening (that'll
put the pressure on me to get this done!).
I'll bring my laptop and hope that the projector is available (Chuck, can you assist?). I had thought of doing a demo of the VideoLan client/server.
Doug, would you like to volunteer to bring your laptop?
We'll need a hub and some cables to build a network. I'll be sure to have the necesary tarballs to make this work, or you can download them yourself if you wish. I'll bring a DVD or two and we can try it out. I had thought of doing this "live" like we did one other time. In case Doug can't make the meeting, having another laptop or two present might be interesting. Although the
VideoLan client is interesting, I think the ability to stream the video over
the net is pretty neat.
Take a look at this website for some background info.
See ya later,
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