On Thursday 20 April 2006 20:12, Mike wrote:
At the last meeting someone mentioned some kind of fallout between Ubuntu and Kubuntu. I missed most the details and was wondering if anyone had a link to an article that explains this. I have been searching, but Google isn't playing nice today.
for some reason i get the impression that this dispute has passed and been resolved. calling it a fallout would be an exaggeration. although if you're interested I would suggest reading comments and posts from those involved in the dispute. https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-users/2006-April/004871.html http://www.kdedevelopers.org/node/1917 the lead developer of kubuntu was recently interviewed, though that topic didn't come up, it was brough up in the comments of the story on dot.kde.org, which is where i got the above links from. http://behindubuntu.org/interviews/JonathanRiddell/ http://dot.kde.org/1144898425/ -- brad