Walt, Next time it locks up, after you reboot, get a look at /var/log/messages. Page down to check the last entries before the reboot, which should tell you what was going on when it froze. Do: less /var/log/messages which will output the actual text of the messages that are being saved in the /var/log directory.messages. You might need to be root to do this --we do have to be root in Debian and in Ubuntu. Since you have:
messages messages-20090125 messages-20090201 messages-20090208 messages-20090215
it means there are several message logs that have been made recently. You could also output: less /var/log/messages-20090215 But let's see the last bunch of entries in the latest one. You could also select text from these messages, and google that for forum postings. Liz J 2009/2/21 Walt <waltsaw@gmail.com>:
Hi Walt, Anything in /var/log?