John Stoffel via WLUG <> writes:
> And does anyone have pointers to the Image generating stuff we talked
> about? It wiould be fun to try it out myself and for $10 I could get
> alot of fun.
That wasn't a motion, but I second it anyway.
>From the viewpoint of a watcher, that was one of the most
fun demos of a program I have seen at a WLUG over the decades.
But eye-candy aside, I was most interested that the demonstrator
claimed to understand how it works and to have some links.
The meaning of words changes over time. More change in less time now.
A cartoon generating program is called "artificial intelligence".
I can't draw cartoons, so I must not be intelligent.
The words "machine learning" were used. As I said Thursday, I did
my dissertation on machine learning. At that time, it meant a computer
(with appropriate programming) would input a sequence of examples,
each marked as in or not in a certain class. The computer would then
(we hoped) be able to correctly classify examples that had not been
explicitly shown before.
I didn't see anything like that in the demo.
It was said to be based on a "neural net", but neural nets have been
around since Minsky started inventing words back in the fifties.
What changed to make neural networks suddenly start working?
-- Keith
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