Brian McLinden wrote:
I have pretensions of hacker status someday. ;-]
They are selling a desktop with PC-BSD installed and configured.
I'm thinking about buying their new Apollo rig, http://www.ixsystems.com/apollo
and ask them to install some kind of virtual machine software on top of FreeBSD (or PC-BSD) so that I can learn various linux distros running as clients.
Anyone know anything about them?
Any thoughts or cautions about this approach?
Thanks in advance for thoughts, reactions.
PS - anyone programming Lisp, write me?
If you want to be a "hacker", wouldn't you want to buy a system and load the OS yourself and then set up VMs yourself? You won't get far if you don't know how to install the OS. It would probably be a good learning experience. Ryan Pugatch Systems Administrator, TripAdvisor