At 8/1/2003 10:09 PM (Friday), Matt Higgins wrote:
New to the list, and wanted to know what you all thought. I'm looking to put together a bill that will require state gov to consider OSS when sending out RFP's. The bill would mirror those being proposed/stalled in other states such as Washington and Texas. I have been in contact with state Rep Robert Spellane who is positive about the subject. I believe he would be more responsive if the WLUG were also supporting this.
An admirable goal. Hard work but there seems to be some movement (as you have noticed).
Further more I think It would be interesting to get involved with public schools in Worcester to promote the use of Linux. I put up a small page on my web site to address this topic, which I have called SLIPS (Supporting Linux In Public Schools). (btw.. I think the next LUG topic should include LTSP! I have this working in a vmware window using just one comp)
Also an admirable goal. However, this one presents an even larger challenge. Looking at it realistically, school system educators (teachers as well as administrators) are the most stubborn, least innovative group I have ever encountered. There are exceptions in each school but to achieve adoption of anything which is not brain-dead simple to use is an impossibility. Linux is far from brain-dead simple to use. Better to concentrate on promoting business usage and then let the school systems lag behind as they always have - unless you are a glutton for punishment.