I have a new digital camera I haven't even used yet. I'd be more than happy to bring my camera. I'm curious to understand, will these be publicly viewable pictures, or *only* viewable to those who have your key? (P.S. I've never made a key before, so this is a good topic for me.) On Tue, Mar 27, 2007 at 11:03:05PM -0400, Keith Wright wrote:
Also, maybe somebody with a digital camera could take pictures of WLUG leaders and followers, and put them on the web site, together with public key identifiers. Despite being told several times over the past few years, I don't remember most people's names, but I might be able to if I had a chance to practice at home with my web browser.
It is only somewhat useful to have a record in your keyring that says you were once convinced that the name goes with the key, if you have totally forgotten what person goes with the name.