the way I usually do it is mount -t smbfs //<ip or name of windows server>/<sharename> /mnt/mountpoint -o username=MYUSERNAME,workgroup=MYWORKGROUPorDOMAIN.

eg mount -t smbfs //fileserv/homes /home/freak4u/NTHome -o username=freak4u

On 7/25/05, Brett Russ < > wrote:
On 7/25/05, Mike Frysinger < > wrote:
> On Monday 25 July 2005 07:05 pm, Jill Benware wrote:
> > I was wondering if anyone knew how to connect to a windows share. I know
> > the server, ip, share, workgroup, and I have a username/password. Can
> > anyone help me with this? Thanks.
> `man smbmount` is pretty helpful


smbclient -L <IP>
or maybe it's
smbclient -L //<IP>

is a helpful command to list the shares available from a machine with
that IP address.


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