On Sat, Feb 23, 2002 at 03:42:55PM -0500, Bill Mills-Curran wrote:
On Sat, 23 Feb 2002, Frank Sweetser wrote:
Aha - smbclient is unable to find a machine identifying itself with a windows name of BERTHA. This virus scanner you mention may very well be the culprit - a number of them also include some level of firewall functionality which may be interfering.
Same result from a 6.2 RedHat machine. I did not install the McAfee firewall option because I'm already behind a linksys firewall.
Do you offer phone support? :-)
On occasion =) Try doing nmblookup BERTHA This should broadcast to see what IP address responds to the WINS name of BERTHA. If nothing responsds, BERTHA isn't answering, or now thinks it has a different name. Another thought - you say you're behind a linksys firewall box. Is this box set up to provide static addresses, or is it possible that it changed BERTHA's IP address out from underneath the poor unsuspecting print clients to something other than -- Frank Sweetser fs at wpi.edu, fs at suave.net | $ x 16 Full-time WPI Network Tech, Part time Linux/Perl guy | I have a great diet. You're allowed to eat anything you want, but you must eat it with naked fat people. --Ed Bluestone