i'll give it a shot, thanks. -Eric -----Original Message----- From: Karl Hiramoto <karl@hiramoto.org> Subj: Re: [Wlug] Problem w/gcc Date: Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:36 am Size: 1K To: Worcester Linux Users Group <wlug@mail.wlug.org> Eric Martin wrote:
My laptop has been doing weird stuff lately. I built it a while ago from Gentoo 2006.0 Stage 3, and every now and again it would turn off while compiling something (usually if I had to upgrade glibc). I was just trying to update mythtv and it crashed so I decided to level it and start from scratch. I installed Gentoo 2006.1 Stage 3 and it's doing the same thing. I went down to Stage 2 and I'm still having a problem. I've done memtest in the past with clean results, but I'm stuck because I don't know what the error is. While building a few minutes ago I forgot to turn on swap space and it ran out of memory before crashing (turning off).
Is there anything I can do aside from piping the output to a file to capture what the problem might be (tried it, not much help)? Has anybody had similar problems with gcc / glibc?
Thanks in advance Eric
My laptop will turn it self off if the temperature gets above 70C. Most laptops have some kind of temperature shut off function.. I would monitor your temperature with lmsensors, or mbmon (acpi temp zone). For me to control my Gentoo laptop temperature while compiling big packages, I have to have cpu frequency scaling running. If i run my 2.8ghz P4 laptop at 50% speed 1.4Ghz I don't have any temperature problems. I usually use the "powersave" or "ondemand" shedulers. Also you could try keeping a big enough space blow your laptop for air.. Assuming the temperature is the problem. -- -- Karl Hiramoto http://karl.hiramoto.org/ US VOIP: (1) 603.966.4448 Spain Casa (34) 951.273.347 Spain Mobil (34) 617.463.826 Yahoo_IM = karl_hiramoto GTalk= karl.hiramoto [at] gmail [d0t] com -- The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not "Eureka!" (I found it!) but "That's funny ..." -- Isaac Asimov