Hey Everybody, This is a reminder that we've got a meeting tomorrow at WPI! Time: 7pm Location: WPI Student Center Room 128 (Taylor Room) Down below the stairs. Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA Topic: frame.work laptop demo, passbolt demo Cara Salter has agreed to come and show off her frame.work laptop. This laptop is designed with upgrade ability in mind. Components such as the motherboard can be easily swapped for more powerful versions, etc. I'm also going to show off passbolt <https://www.passbolt.com/>. This is a FOSS password manager. With the massive breach of lastpass, people may want to think about having total ownership of their password stores. This solves that. As usual snacks and refreshments will be provided and afterwards we'll head off and have dinner and keep the conversation going. I hope to see you there! Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".