We have here an ancient laptop -- Epson ActionNote 4SLC2-50. Belonged to my ancient father, who thought I might find some use for it. It's about 12" x 10" x 2" and not terribly light for its size. Built like a small tank --appears to be somewhat indestructible. Comes in its own rather decent black leather-like case. Has modem, battery brick, diskette drive, PS2 port, parallel port, two serial ports and a phone jack. It even comes with its own PS2 mouse which has a very stylish decal of Tweety Bird. The user guide is dated 1993. This runs Windows MS-DOS-whatever it was, still has operating system installed. Worked fine last time we turned it on. Memory is upgraable. I hope someone can give this a good home. Maybe you have a computer museum in your basement --this would be the perfect addition. Maybe you need this to run some special utilities at home... I'm sure this is infinitely modifiable. Hate to send this poor thing to the dump. Daddy is still living... would like to be able to tell him (if he ever asks) that the old laptop has been happily repurposed. We're located in a very easy-to-find spot in Worcester, less than a block off Elm Park. Someone must need this unit. We want you to want this. Thanks, Liz J