Hi all, I wanted to intorduce myself. I have been on the LUG list now for over a year, but 2 kids 22 mo and 5 mo old have kept me away from metings. I am by no means a speaker although I have given a presentation at conferences and a LUG. I know there is a constant call for topics. I was wondering if anyone was interested in one of the following 3 topics: 1) Linux Development on the Nokia 770. I have had one for a few months now and know quite a bit about it and the state of affairs. 2) Hacking NAS storage with the Kurobox (www.kurobox.com) An very interesting device with a sordid history 3) VERY tentitive. Developing Robotic applications on Linux for the iRobot Create. I should be able to get my hands on one of these along with some example code and show the capabilities of the iRobot Create (http://www.irobot.com/create). I could also combine 1 and 2 and talk of the general aspects of embedded Linux development. I have been active in this field for about 6 years now. Any takers? Thanks Brian