We lost the room on the web call. Will you guys be back on tonight? From: Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> Reply-To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org> Date: Wednesday, October 12, 2022 at 4:55 PM To: Worcester Linux Users' Group General Discussion <wlug@lists.wlug.org>, Dick Miller <TheMillers@millermicro.com> Cc: Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com> Subject: [WLUG] !!!! Reminder!!! Wlug Meeting Oct 13th @7PM: Topic: Fotoxx, Speaker: Dick Miller, Location: WPI Mid Century Room. Hey Everybody! Date/Time: Oct 13th 2022, 7PM-??PM Physical Location: WPI Mid Century Room (rm 321) Virtual Location: https://meet.jit.si/WlugMA Speaker: Dick Miller Dick Miller is going to be speaking about Fotoxx! https://kornelix.net/fotoxx/fotoxx.html From the webpage: Navigate a large image collection using a thumbnail browser, click on an image to view or edit. A rich set of edit and retouch functions is available. Import RAW files and edit with deep color. Save revised images as JPEG, PNG (8/16 bits/color), or TIFF (8/16). Select an object or area within an image (freehand draw, follow edges, flood matching tones...), apply edit functions, copy and paste, resize, blend, warp, etc. without using layers. Edit functions have fast feedback using the full image or selected zoom-in area. Edit image metadata (tags, geotags, dates, ratings, captions...). Search images using any combination of metadata and file and folder names or partial names. Click a marker on a scalable world map to view all photos from that location. Batch functions are available to rename, add/revise metadata, copy/move, resize, convert format. Fotoxx uses your image files wherever they are and maintains a separate index for fast searching. Fotoxx is standards compliant and can be used with other photo programs (no lock-in). Fotoxx is easy to use but unconventional, so read the user guide (at least the first few pages) before jumping in. Fotoxx has deep functionality. Do not expect to master it in a few minutes. Along with the presentation, as usual expect the usual amount of banter about all things Linux/FOSS/etc. Definitely some talk about mdadm..which I'm sure will digress into a weird demo... Snacks and Refreshments will be provided and we'll head off to have dinner afterwards to continue the conversation. I hope to see you there! Thanks, Tim. -- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".