Per our last meeting, here were some of the topics...
Media server bake off
Kodi (Xbmc)
PLEX media center /server
Open media vault (runs PLEX)
Open ELEC (runs Kodi)
Linux Arcade machines
Research Distros
Home Backup Server (zfs for linux)
Bake off of backup solutions
Sysadmin automation tools
Salt / Puppet / Chef / Ansible
Nicholas Howgraham-Grave
Talk about finding flaws in RSA
SHA1 collison stuff
Git development Methods
Virtualization on linux
KVM / Vmware / OVB / Xen / Qubes
Privacy on Linux: What to do when you're convinced the goverment is watching.
Encrypted FS
Isolated applications
What distro is snowden running?
3d Printing and linux
Tools for linux