In that vein, there's vimwiki
a markup DSL and some vimscript, works, plaintext so still grepable (I'd suggest the_silver_searcher over grep these days), will export to HTML


On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 3:26 PM John Stoffel via WLUG <> wrote:
>>>>> "Tim" == Tim Keller via WLUG <> writes:

> Sadly no.  I've looked at DokuWiki a couple of times.

I've *run* dokuwiki and mediawiki for $WORK a couple of times... but
never used them in anger either. 

> The problem is this. I'm lazy. The lowest barrier to entry is simply
> a directory called "Notes" with a bunch of text files. Being text
> and using a unix-like system, I've got tools like grep to find
> stuff.

Me too, I have *tons* of files will all kinds of notes and ideas.
Works great from a GUI login, and also works from an SSH text only
connection as well. 

> I figure the next lowest thing is some program that lets me take
> notes that I can then organize into some index and search against it
> as well.  Beyond that now it becomes hosted somewhere, etc.

I keep wanting to learn 'org-mode' in emacs.  But I never get there.

What I do use is a little header lines in emacs and a setup where it
updates the date whenver I save the file.  This way I know when I last
edited the file (inside emacs at least) which is a great way to keep
on top of things.

I'd be happy to share with what I do in emacs.


> On Fri, May 17, 2024 at 10:35 AM Mike Peckar <> wrote:

>     Hey Tim,

>     I might have missed it, but I'm curious if you came to any conclusions about these tools.

>     thanks,
>     Mike

>     On Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 9:31 PM Tim Keller via WLUG <> wrote:

>         At last night's meeting, a new attendee brought up a problem she was having and one of the
>         solutions that got bandied about was Joplin.

>         After doing some research, this might be my new note taking app.
>         Another very interesting FOSS tool out there is called "Trilium" 

>         As much as I like google's keep.. I'm fully aware that google capable of just pulling the
>         rug out from under me in a moment's notice.

>         I've spun up U22.04.3 server and I'm going to tinker with Joplin and possibly Trilium and
>         let people know what I think of them.

>         Tim.

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