Lexi, I've heard of Tiny, but I've never seen it in action. That sounds really cool! Feel free to bring along the laptop to show it off! That in itself sounds like a great idea for a talk! Later, Tim. On Wed, Jan 8, 2020 at 5:16 PM Lexi Haley via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Hi, I'm Lexi!
I've not been to a WLUG meeting since ... since a long time .... I remember a Blender talk, and a Maddog talk - and these look like circa 2003/2004.... So, absent a long time!
Anyways. I am trying to find the time to come again.
I've been a casual Linux user since 1998, when I installed Debian from a pile of floppies (( or should I say, my friend installed it for me, and my learning journey began )) .... and for a long time I was an exclusive user .... and at heart I think I am still - even as I flog along a 10 year old iMac.
But for a couple years now, on my laptop I've been running 'Tiny Core Linux' , which if you're unfamiliar with it, it is based on the Linux From Scratch work, with an emphasis on a 'tiny' footprint. Needed additional software are mounted into ram from squashfs archives, on the fly. It is quirky, but I like it. I wondered if anyone else has used it (or uses it).
I didn't feel right just asking blindly, without a vague reintroduction of myself.
So - question: Anyone else use, now or previously, the Tiny Core Linux Distribution? [*]
Thanks, Lexi Haley (WPI CS 2002)
[*] a search on the email archives yielded no hits ...
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-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers".