BLU has 2 cameras recording the presentations plus an additional audio recording. Granted when I gave a presentation, the stream on youtube cut out after 20 mins and it has never been replaced with any other recording so I'm not sure how helpful the additional recording are. (I posted a comment on the video with the presentation link but I don't see it now. Not sure why that is.)

On Wed, 2020-01-15 at 16:11 -0500, Joshua Stone via WLUG wrote:
That's excellent news! Sounds like the service is already paying for itself.

I'm not opposed to video uploads, so long as the video/audio production is decent and the camera isn't in people's faces. I have a Sony video camera with native 4K and optical zoom, with a shotgun microphone attachment for capturing audio in front of the camera instead of the surrounding area. I also have a blue yeti if you want a good microphone for public speakers to use.

We could make this a bit fancier and less intrusive by having a screencast of the speaker's computer to show slideshow material, terminal output, etc, and have an omnidirectional microphone listening and syncing with the screencast.


Dennis Payne