Hey folks, I'm working on setting up a dual boot system with the following drive setup: Drive 1 - 6gb IDE Partition 1 (4gb) - Win2k NTFS (c:) Partition 2 (2gb) - Scratch FAT32 (e:) Drive 2 - 3gb IDE Partition 1 (3gb) - FAT32 (d:) (This is where I want to install RH 7.2) I've never had a problem using LILO to dual boot Win98 and RH 6.2 (then 7.2), but I'm a little intimidated by Win2k and it's boot loader. I've tried Google and a few other places for info, but a lot of it seems to focus in installing the two OS's on a single large disk with multiple partitions. Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I am free to wipe/partition any or all of the disks and start fresh if that makes sense. I have read some info about making a boot partition, but again, it wasn't very clear to me... Any websites, FAQs or personal insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance! --Track