RH also have a /etc/sysconfig/hwconf you can look at ________________________________ From: Tim Keller <turbofx@gmail.com> To: Worcester Linux Users Group <wlug@mail.wlug.org> Sent: Wednesday, February 4, 2009 11:41:51 AM Subject: Re: [Wlug] RH Enterprise 5.0 Question Melissa, Are you looking foe something specific or do you just want a hardware overview? Here's a couple commands: "lspci" - will display all the devices on the various pci buses. "lsusb" - displays the usb devices. /proc/cpuinfo will display lots of info about the cpus on the system. /proc/meminfo - memory info. If the system is using lvm you can use the pvscan / vgscan / lvscan to determine you physical / volume group / logical volume config. Is that what you're looking for? Thanks, Tim. On 2/4/09, McDonald, Melissa <mmcdonald@centralfcu.com> wrote:
I need to determine the hardware configuration of a RH 5.0 Linux server. Is there a command that will probe the hardware configuration and send the output to the screen?
Thanks in advance.
Melissa McDonald
508.841.0549 (Office)
774.275.4449 (Mobile)
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