Will the same video conference link be used? On 6/16/2022 2:04 PM, Joel via WLUG wrote:
Cannot make it tonight on vacation with family.
For future meetings, either WPI or a more Worcester-ish location would help.
On June 16, 2022 7:58:23 PM Tim Keller via WLUG <wlug@lists.wlug.org> wrote:
Hey Everybody!
We've got a meeting tonight!! Location: Hudson Public Library Time: 7pm Topic: Intel Pocket PC running RetroArch, etc.
I was given four of these tiny pocket pc's. I'm going to run RetroArch on one and see what we get. I also think they'd be cool as a plex driver for a TV as well.
Beyond that, there's a lot going on in the linux world, from the Intel pay for features stuff to the Nvidia opening up ( a tiny bit ).
We should also talk about where we'd like to host meetings. I reached out to Frank and it looks like WPI is back on the table. Would that work better for people?
See ya there! Tim.
-- I am leery of the allegiances of any politician who refers to their constituents as "consumers". _______________________________________________ WLUG mailing list -- wlug@lists.wlug.org <mailto:wlug%40lists.wlug.org> To unsubscribe send an email to wlug-leave@lists.wlug.org <mailto:wlug-leave%40lists.wlug.org> Create Account: https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/ <https://wlug.mailman3.com/accounts/signup/> Change Settings: https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/ <https://wlug.mailman3.com/postorius/lists/wlug.lists.wlug.org/> Web Forum/Archive: https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/PNIHE3... <https://wlug.mailman3.com/hyperkitty/list/wlug@lists.wlug.org/message/PNIHE3...>
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