On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 09:48:23PM -0500, Andy Stewart wrote:
c) TiVO - doesn't that run Linux? Can you do any interesting hacks to the Linux software that could be demonstrated at our meeting?
Well, I won't be able to make the meeting, but if you want to see a little hack I did to my TiVo (yes, it runs Linux on a PPC processor), you can look at my homepage: http://www.kluge.net/~felicity/ It tells you what my TiVo is currently watching, as well as the listing of what it will be recording (todo), what's available to watch (now showing), and programs we told it to record (season passes). All the programming is done in TCL. I use the tivoweb software, which is essentially a webserver that interfaces with the TiVo data. I wrote/hacked together a few modules that grabs the information from the TiVo and spits it out in an easily parsible format. My linux server then grabs periodically via cron that information and puts it on the web server. :) There are some other standard modules that let you control the TiVo via web browser, etc. I really just like the fact that it uses my home broadband connection to get the daily information instead of the usual dial-up via modem. ;) -- Randomly Generated Tagline: They can always run stderr through uniq. :-) -- Larry Wall in <199704012331.PAA16535@wall.org>