Great! Anyone who is willing to prepare a talk on these or any other topics please email me directly and we'll work out which month(s) to fit them in. Thanks, Chuck On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 07:45:39AM -0400, David Glaser wrote:
Hmmm, lots of stuff to talk about. I woudl attend talks on open RC, init, and open source robotics.
On 3/30/2011 12:13 PM, Kevin Harrington wrote:
Another idea is open source robotics. I have a lot of experience with this at this point and would love to share.
One more idea would be talking about making and using custom Java JNI. have a library that's awesome but hate writing applications in C? JNI is a way of exposing these libs to Java. As an example I wrapped a v4l2 frame grabber and was able to get framerates 2-4 TIMES faster then OpenCV's frame grabber. Getting started with JNI is full of "gotchas" that keeps most developers away, which I think is a shame.
~Kevin Harrington