Marc> So I've been thinking about picking up a PVR card and turning an Marc> old machine I have lying around into a MythTV box to replace my Marc> tivo to get rid of that nasty monthly fee. I've got a TiVo and I love it, but I paid up front for the lifetime fee. Some elementary math at the time showed me that it paid for itself in under 24 months, and it's lasted longer than that already. I do love my TiVo, I just wish it had two tuners so I could watch one and record another no matter what. Marc> Does anyone have any comments on the comparisons between the Marc> two? Will I miss my tivo? Does mythtv have equivelant options Marc> for season passes or recommentations? I've love to hear your experiences if you do got the Myth route, I've got a box that could be used for this, though I'd need to get a tuner card at some point. Maybe you can pickup an old TiVo unit and re-use that hardware with the Myth software? Hmmm... a little bit of googling say it's not really possible. But they do mention that you might be able to get the EPG (program listing) data into your TiVo with just a bit of a hack. Not a bad idea... Personally, the key feature of the TiVo is the remote. It's the key feature of any tool and by that I mean the interface. If it's too complex, or annoying, then it's not going to make people happy. For example, we've got a TV remote where they put the Mute button all the way at the other end of the remote from the volume controls. What a pain! Good luck, and let us know how it comes out! If it works well, I might jump in as well, just to have a second TiVo like box at home for stuff I want to watch, instead of the wife and kid... John