"Michael" == Michael Voorhis <mvoorhis@mcvau.net> writes:
Michael> On 1/23/21 10:29 AM, John Stoffel wrote:
KISS is good. But you really need to talk with the customer to define their workflow better. Also, there's a big difference between SSD and SATA disks.
Michael> Oh definitely. I'll be talking to them. I'm just enjoying the design Michael> part, which has always been my favorite part of this sort of work -- the Michael> designing and building of stuff, before the inevitable descent into Michael> maintenance issues, misuse and neglect. :)
Heck, you have that pile of six SAS disks, why not use them in a RAID0 for your working set, but then a pair of mirrored larger disks to store your data.
Michael> I'd love to use my stack of SAS disks ... but that would mean Michael> purchasing a SAS controller for the project, and that would Michael> mean $$$. Hmmm, that's another thing I hadn't thought about Michael> looking for -- a JBOD SAS Controller ...?? They're cheap, look at the LSI stuff you can find in the internet. Generally if it can do SATA, it should do SAS. https://www.ebay.com/itm/133137220890?_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3AAQAFAA... This might do the trick... though I'd check the cables.